Sure, gifts may still be in order, but why not supplement, or substitute them with funny holiday greeting cards. With nearly 3,000 greeting card publishers nationwide to choose from, what's the best way to quickly zero in on the perfect card? I've written about greeting cards before and searched far and wide for companies offering just the right cards. Many catalogs present a unique collection to browse through. Additionally, some websites are very complicated to use while others are super easy to use and images are sharp and clear, web pages load quickly, navigation around the site is simple, and check-out is a breeze. For those of us who still prefer the more tangible approach to shopping, many cards can be found in many brick-and-mortar locations such as: bookstores, coffee shops, pharmacies, food markets, houseware stores, garden centers, and gift shops.
What makes funny holiday greeting cards from certain companies so great? Imagination! For starters, you can't go wrong with animals. Greeting card companies that love to use all kinds of animals-cats, dogs, birds, penguins, bears, etc. as subjects for their greeting cards. For instance, I found one holiday card featuring two dogs one wearing a Santa hat and the other one, red reindeer antlers-sitting at a table in front of a roasted turkey, licking their chops. Another card shows a penguin snatching a carrot off a snowman's face with its beak.
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